
Community kitchen

Our coffee shop here at St.Benedicts Centre is known by all of the community for its homemade food and very reasonable prices. You’ll find a warm welcome for everyone, whether meeting friends or simply dropping in. We also have ‘breakfast clubs’ operating here. A group of senior ladies call in once a week for a social chat.

At the coffee shop, you’ll find a wide selection of hot and cold drinks plus cakes and sandwiches and hot breakfast.

All the food is freshly prepared in our own kitchen here at the Centre. Our coffee shop is open Mon – Thurs 9 am – 1 pm and Friday 9 am -12.30.


This large hall is generally used for Meetings, Yoga, Drama Classes, Sports, Craft Groups, and Community Events.

The hall can be set to your requirements, and tea and coffee can be supplied for a small fee.

To book email Ericka or call 01-8671067 for more information.