Ericka commenced as our new Centre Manager during the pandemic in late 2020.

Ericka has worked across agencies representing communities and facilitating projects for community-based social development. She has lots of experience with working with treasury to fund initiatives and enjoys working with the sector to manage infrastructure assets. Most of the projects she has undertaken have been in partnership with the community and for community-led solutions. Ericka has an unwavering passion for community development with quality care and authenticity at the heart of everything she does.

The Board believes that Ericka brings a positive management style and significant valuable community experience to the role and wishes her the very best.

I am passionate about community involvement and sustainability which is why I studied in Community Development and Regeneration.

I am proud of the team I work with who are amazing, every day they achieve great things in our community here in Kilbarrack. The team and I started our journey together with the aim of bringing St Benedicts Resource Centre back into the heart of the community after the impact of the Global Pandemic. We have exciting plans moving forward and will adapt the centre programs, services and activities to meet the ever-evolving changes that come our way. As a team we have a vested interest in the success of the Community Centre because it serves the community, we live in. I’m very excited what the future holds for St Benedict’s Resource Centre.

Ericka Reilly

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